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QuickTip: Quick and easy ways to add lines in MS Word Documents

By at 25 May, 2017, 6:40 pm

Adding lines to documents or forms can be a challenge in Word if you want something other than a singe line across the page. Royalwise has a great post on 4 Creative Ways to Insert Horizontal Lines in Microsoft Word.


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Interesting article on how WannaCrypt initial variant was stopped last week

By at 15 May, 2017, 9:59 am

The Malware Tech site has an interesting article on how the initial variant of last week's WannaCrypt (AKA WaanaCry) was stopped. Check out How to Accidentally Stop a Global Cyber Attacks and then head over to ZDnet to for some omre details for us lesser mrotals and links to patches in its post How to defend yourself against the WannaCrypt global ransomware attack.

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QuickTip: How to Quickly Delete Rows and Columns in Excel

By at 26 April, 2017, 4:08 pm

You are probably figure_drawing_light_bulb_400_clr_18188familiar with using the Excel Ribbon to delete ros and columns, but what if you want to do so quicker and without the need of your mouse?




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Scam of the Week: Fake iCloud Emails “Phish” For Your Personal Info

By at 17 April, 2017, 9:22 am


According to the good folks over at

The bad guys are targeting Apple users with emails that appear to be coming from Apple and aim to trick unsuspecting users into handing over their personal information. Once the personal information is given, the cybercriminals will have everything they need to steal victim identities or make fraudulent purchases on their credit card.

According to a report from Help Net Security, the malicious email welcomes the recipient to iCloud Mail but tells them that Apple has been unable to confirm their account information. As a result, their “account has been temporarily suspended”. It prompts the user to click on a link to reset their account. Those that fall for the attack land on a fake Apple login page, which asks them to enter their personal information, including their Apple ID and password, credit card info, date of birth, address, and phone number.


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Scam of the Week – Insidious New IRS Social Engineering Attack

By at 10 October, 2016, 10:00 am

There is an insidious new IRS scam doing the rounds. They send you a phony IRS CP 2000 form and claim the income reported on your tax return does not match the income reported by your employer. This is meant to get you worried. To confuse you further, the bad guys claim this has something to do with the Affordable Care Act.



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